

4 September 2009

You and Me

A strong bond held us together in these 2 years time; it was unbelievable for me…I thought I will always be alone, I thought I will always sit alone at the corner, I thought I will just talk to myself in my whole life…unbelievable that you appeared in front of me, approached to me and willing to sit beside a bored person like me…
Making friends is like a tough nut to crack for me…There are always veils or even a big opaque object in front of my new friends. “Hi, I’m Si En. What’s your name?”That’s how my every introduction begins. That’s what I can think of and the next conversation is NOTHING! I can’t think of anything else to talk to my new friends honestly and so a started friendship will just faded away in silent.
Why I said that making friends is hard? For me, just making a just simple friend may just kill me…I don’t know why…I can’t find a topic to talk to my new friends, I’m not like Edward Cullen who can read people’s mind and can know what topic she like to talk to…I think that’s my problem…BIG problem!…that’s why people always say that I don’t know how to socialize with the others…it was OBVIOUS!…you can just count how many people walk or sit beside me, may be you can just recognize the person that always beside me.
Fortunately, we MET. I was so glad to have you as you’re just like me. You can be grouped into the quiet group…that’s my group… I’m the president, HAHA! It was so strange that you can read my mind and you can just see through my heart…When I’m upset, you won’t let me cry alone, you will sit beside me silently. That’s enough for me; at least I won’t feel lonely again. When I’m depressed, you will never disappear, you will be my private listener...no matter what you are always beside me…
Are our mind is a twins??? Your behavior and attitude on work are similar to me. You like to finish your task as fast as possible, you have high expectations on everything, you have many comments on everything and you always like to fight for the first…All these behaviors are same as me…
However, that’s nothing will last long…Away from “how many” miles…we are apart now…I miss you so much…miss you…you are not beside me anymore…there are no shoulder for me to cry on, nobody willing to become my listener …miss you…
Surely, this will be my very big sacrifices for my future…It was so hard to leave you….I consider again and again between you and my future, finally I give up you…Now, I regretted so much…but I can’t go back to the past, there is no turning way for me…Sorry that I left you…I’m so sorry…I prayed hardly that we will go through this ordeal audaciously, I promised I would not forget you no matter how many years or in anywhere, in whatever circumstances…no one could replace you in my life…we will always together…


AH1N1 已成功地侵入我的学院。大家都人心惶惶,预备好安全措施以免成为下一个患者。今天的天气阴沉,像似要带来不好的预兆。班上的同学全約好到附近的超级市场购物,只留我独自一人在房里温书。昏昏欲睡中,房外的播音器传来一阵声响,要求不舒服的人们到某某地方集合。我好奇的也到了那里,只见医生各个戴着口罩,给他们诊断。我想这里越来越危险了,我们还能继续在这里坐以待毙吗?
